Here, Today I will discuss the complete Exam Pattern & How to Prepare for UPPSC PCS 2021? which type of Strategy Tips & Trick helpful for you and how can we Crack UPPSC PSC Exam in the First Attempt By following acute Time Routine and Strategy

If I talk about the Main Examination, the Main Written examination will consist of the following compulsory and optional subjects The candidates have to select any one subject from the list of optional subjects for main examination which will consist of two papers.


1. General Hindi

2. Essay

3. General Studies (First Paper)

4. General Studies (Second Paper)

5. General Studies (Third Paper)

6. General Studies (Fourth Paper)

UPPSC PCS Exam Pattern Of PCS 2021

Exam Pattern for the Provincial Civil Service (PCS) written Exam 

Pre Exam Pattern  For UPPSC PCS

The Written Test will be a multiple choice objective type.

The Preliminary examination will consist of two compulsory papers.

The papers shall be of 200 marks each and of two hours duration.

Both the papers shall be objective Type and multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions Respectively.

Paper-II of the Preliminary Examination will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.

Mains Exam Pattern in details Here

Written Exam will be Subjective (Conventional) as well as objective Type.

Compulsory Subjects:-

Paper    Subject    Marks    Time Duration

1.    General Hindi    150    03:00 hours

2.    Essay    150    03:00 hours

3.    General Studies-I    200    02:00 hours

4.    General Studies-II    200    02:00 hours

5.    General Studies-III    200    02:00 hours

6.    General Studies-IV    200    02:00 hours

Optional Subjects (any One) :- Question Papers will be of 03:00 hours.

Note:- A candidate will not be allowed to offer more than one subject from the Below Subjects. There Will be Only 01 Optional Subject –

For Group A

1. Social Work

2. Anthropology

3. Sociology

 For Group B 

1. Mathematics

2. Statistics

 For Group C 

1. Agriculture

2. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science

For Group D 

1. Civil Engineering

2. Mechanical Engineering

3. Electrical Engineering

4. Agriculture Engineering

For Group E 

1. English Literature

2. Hindi Literature

3. Urdu Literature

4. Arabic Literature

5. Persian Literature

6. Sanskrit Literature

For Group F 

1. Political Science and International Relations

2. Public Administration

For Group G 

1. Management

2. Public Administration

Personality Test (Viva-Voice)

The test will relate to the matter of general interest keeping the matter of academic interest in view and for general awareness, intelligence, character, expression power/personality and general suitability for the service.

I provide here for UPPSC PCS Detailed Exam Pattern & Syllabus

UPPSC PCS exams are the state exams one should be well aware of the history and geography of the particular state.

PCS is a civil service exam the candidates should be ready for a high difficulty level and mentally prepared for putting in a good amount of hard work.

UPPSC PCS exam is a state exam one must have basic knowledge of the country, the latest happenings in the country too. For that, the candidates must start following one national newspaper in order to keep themselves well acquainted of the happenings in and around the world.

Set your goal and start preparing early, as early as after your Class X exam. This will give you an edge over other students.

Understand the syllabus thoroughly and make a firm routine so that you cover all the subjects

Go back to your basics, even if that means referring to your Class VI, VII, VIII, books for certain subjects (NCERT books).

Read The Hindu News Papers On Daily Basis. Make Self Notes.

Identify your weak subjects and start working on them so that you gain a stronghold.

Solve as many mock question papers and past question papers as possible.

Paper-I General Studies-I Important Tips:

Reading the newspaper helps in preparing Current events of national and international importance.

The papers shall be of 200 marks each and of two hours duration

Important Topics For UPPSC

History of India and Indian National Movement, Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the World, Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc, Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development Poverty Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc, General Issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity, and Climate Change- that do not require subject specialization General Science

UPPSC PCS Important Tips & Topics For Preliminary Examination

Paper-II General Studies-II Important Tips


Interpersonal skills including communication skills.

Logical reasoning and analytical ability.

Decision making and problem-solving.

Indian Polity and Governance

Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc:- In Indian Polity, Economic and Culture, questions will test knowledge of country’s political system including Panchayati Raj and Community Development, broad features of Economic policy in India of the subject is expected from candidates.

General Science For UPPSC PCS

Questions on General interrelationship, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound interests, Work and Time, Speed, Time and Distance, Factors of polynomials, L.C.M., and H.C.F. of polynomials and their interrelationship, Remainder theorem, simultaneous linear equations, quadratic equations, Constructions and theorems regarding triangle, rectangle, square, Collection of data, Classification of data, frequency, frequency distribution, tabulation, cumulative frequency. Representation of data – Bar diagram, Pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon, cumulative frequency curves (ogives), Measures of Central tendency: Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode.

General English (Up To Class X Level) Important Tips

Mainly Focus on topics like Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill in the blanks, Comprehension & Cloze Test etc Improvements Etc. Comprehension, Active Voice and Passive Voice, Parts of Speech, Transformation of Sentences, Direct and Indirect Speech., Punctuation and Spellings,  Words Meanings, Vocabulary & usage,  Idioms, and Phrases,  Fill in the Blanks.

सामान्य हिंदी (हाईस्कूल स्तर तक) के पाठ्यक्रम में सम्मिलित किए जाने वाले विषय

सामान्य हिंदी विषय के लिए आप ये महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक्स को पढ़ सकते है

(1) हिंदी वर्णमाला, विराम चिन्ह

(2) शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, अर्थ,

(3) शब्द-रूप,

(4) संधि, समास,

(5) क्रियाएँ,

(6) अनेकार्थी शब्द,

(7) विलोम शब्द,

(8) पर्यायवाची शब्द,

(9) मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ

(10) तत्सम एवं तद्भव, देशज, विदेशी (शब्द भंडार)

(11) वर्तनी

(12) अर्थबोध

(13) हिंदी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँ

(14) उ.प्र. की मुख्य बोलियाँ

UPPSC PCS  Tips & Topics For Main Examination

The aspirants should keep the following points in their mind while Prepare For UPPSC PCS Exams:

The PCS aspirants must be aware of the Historical and Geographical Background of the respective state for which he/she is preparing to clear the PCS Exam.

The aspirants must be aware of the pattern and the difficulty level of questions to be asked in the exam so that they can adhere to the right direction during their preparation.

The aspirants must be updated on the current events and developments of the country as a whole as well as that particular state for which they are going to appear for the PCS Exam.

Apart from the history and geography of that particular state, the aspirants must be aware of the culture, custom and regional languages of that state.

Before appearing for the PCS exam, the aspirants must go through the previous year question paper in order to get the idea of the pattern of asking questions.

The stages of the PCS Exams of different states are almost the same as the UPSC Civil Services Exam i.e. Preliminary, Mains and then Interview.

Here, we have suggested some important tips and strategies for different states separately which will help aspirants to prepare for PCS Exams in the right direction.

Paper-I General Studies-I Important Tips:

Reading the newspaper helps in preparing Current events of national and international importance.

The papers shall be of 200 marks each and of two hours duration

Important Topics For UPPSC

 History of India-Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, Indian National Movement and Indian Culture, Population, Environment and Urbanization in Indian Context, World Geography, Geography of India and its natural resources, Current events of national and international importance, Indian Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Specific knowledge of U.P. regarding education, culture Agriculture, Trade Commerce, The methods of living and Social Customs, History of India and Indian culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the middle of the nineteenth, century and would also include questions on Gandhi, Tagore and Nehru. The part on current events of national and international importance will include questions also on sports and games.

Paper-II General Studies-II Important Tips:

Important Topics

 Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science (Role of Science and technology in the development of India including science in everyday life), General Mental ability, Statistical Analysis, Graphs and Diagrams. The part relating to the Indian polity will include questions on the political system in India and the Indian connstitution. The Indian economy will cover broad features of economic policy in India. The part relating to the role and impact of science and technology in the development of India, questions will be asked to test the candidates’ awareness in this field Emphasis will be on the applied aspects. The part relating to statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercise to test the candidate’s ability to draw common-sense conclusions from information presented in statistical graphical or diagrammatical form and to point out deficiencies limitation or inconsistencies therein.

Essay Important Topics For PCS

There will be three sections in the question paper of Essay. Candidates will have to select one topic from each section and they are required to write essay in 700 words on each topic. In the three sections, topics of essay will be based on the following sphere :

Section A : (1) Literature and Culture. (2) Social sphere. (3) Political sphere.

Section B : (1) Science, Environment and Technology. (2) Economic Sphere (3) Agriculture, Industry and Trade.

Section C : (1) National and International Events. (2) Natural Calamities, Landslide, Earthquake, Deluge, Drought etc.

(3) National Development programs and projects.

Hindi Important Topics Here given

Question answer from Unseen passage, Abstraction, Government and Semi-government letter, telegram, official orders, notification, circular writing, Knowledge of words and uses, Uses of Prefix and Suffix, Antonyms, One-word substitution, Spelling and Sentence correction, Idioms and Phrases..

Important Tips For UPPSC PCS Exam Preparation :

Give more priority to important topics.

During the exam preparation, Make the study notes.

Revise all the important topic many times.

Give Mock Tests on a regular basis

Attempt Free Online Mock Tests

After you complete the syllabus, give Online Mock Tests with Honesty & Sufficient time duration. It helps you to guide towards your weak points. In the last five days focus on your weak points.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

How Can I Prepare for UPPSC PCS Paper 1 & Paper 2 Exam 2021?

We provide You the Best Tips and Tricks For Your UPPSC PCS Written Examination, Candidates can follow our tips to make their Exam Preparation much better.

What Will the Exam Process of UPPSC PCS Recruitment 2021?

Preliminary Examination (Objective Type & Multiple choice).

Main Examination (Conventional Type,Written examination)

Viva- Voce (Personality Test).

What is the Exam Pattern Of UPPSC PCS Pre Examination 2021?

-The Written Test will be a multiple choice objective type.

-The Preliminary examination will consist of two compulsory papers.

-The papers shall be of 200 marks each and of two hours duration.


- Both the papers shall be objective Type & multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions Respectively.

Which Subject Topics Should I Read for UPPSC PCS Paper I & Paper II Pre / Mains Exam Preparation?

Candidates should Focus more on their weaker subjects / Sections / Speed & Accuracy/ Time Management to Get More Marks in the Examination.